Introducing Coaching
Coaching is a dialogue between two aiming at providing a clear framework for the individual to achieve one’s goal. It is non-prescriptive in that the coach is simply there to assist in reaching one’s goal which one may have identified as being vital.
Coaching will help one clarify and set goals which are then worked upon earnestly in full commitment.
The coach empowers one in search for strategies towards working out a solution in life. Coaching is a dialogue with the self where the coach represents one’s extended self and helps the individual in commitment towards achieving a goal whether in educational, personal, professional or spiritual field. What I am proposing is indeed a dialogue with oneself. Or to explore ways using a different method of coaching…. a form of being one’s own coach!
Coaching provides a life -direction, purpose, focus and motivation to move forwards. It moves one from procrastination towards achievement, from being a reactionary to being proactive based on respect of the participant’s world view. Or from being tense to being relaxed and lacking in confidence to discover the talents, gifts and skills that one possesses.
The inner Coach simply is a facilitator, an enabler, an inner voice with whom one connects in earnest towards one’s personal engagement. In effect, this engagement will ensure that there is movement towards the goal being worked towards whilst the exterior self take responsibility and commitment to move forwards. In this sense the inner self becomes the coach both in reflection as The Coach par excellence without having to seek adopt and make use of an external coach.
This process may not be for everyone but those who are strong may want to be their own coach. The point is can one be one’s coach?
The benefits will be that one will become better and better because there is a sense of purpose and achievement and that one is using time meaningfully rather than being caught up in a whirl of ineffectiveness where one sees life just passing by without being creative.
Coaching in this sense provides a creative medium for success which makes one proactive rather than procrastinating. It is a way of being where one deeply feels self-fulfilled.
The Way Forward
Investing in oneself/self-development is a way forward for making discoveries about oneself in an effort at self-development with engagement.
This engagement to be sure requires that one needs to be absolutely committed to make use of a strategy of working with one self and be absolutely firm in resolve to move forwards without the need for an exterior coach. It will be an appeal to one’s inner being, Or The coach within!
( Aspects of self coaching under construction will be added in due course)