Time for change: A message for 2016

We never have time. It never waits either. They say time is money. We are always content with the flow. In the flow, there is no planning and preparation. We just react: As reactionaries, we just relate and act as the situation demands whilst any planning involves us to make a commitment. Some calls it being pragmatic.. Why commit to something, anything when I may just live nay exist … an existence which simply does not constrain us. Or in another sense, why is there any need for commitment. Again commitment to what… To another form, another system which has no respect for others even if be any other? Our freedom is at stake, a freedom which puts no constraint.
Time is mine. Life is to be ego centred. The other after all is a threat, a bigger threat to my freedom to be in the way I want to be. The question is not about ‘who am I?’ one lives as if there is already an answer to everything. After all, are we not surrounded by the fact that we know. What else is there to know? Like the self made man or person to be politically correct, we have a vision, a certain vision of the world: That vision is both positive and negative…. positive because, it gives us a certain way to be in the mode of knowing exactly what we have to do. Negative because, it may also be a way which denigrate others and that our vision is exclusive.
Is there a way to be? Can there be a way to be? That is precisely the call which appeals to the dialectics and or dynamics which forces us to seek answers not from a perspective but simply to look at the self and investigate and or probe in to living and query whether one ought to look at life where the other is not despised whether it be it any form of living entity /animate or even inanimate thing. May it be possible for me to be that all encompassing but then I have my own view which tells me that the other is a threat at worst and or egotistically that I am better than any other or rather all others. First, the nation to which I belong, is definitely the best then the region, locality or perhaps the many groups of which I may choose to belong… after all if I adopt and subscribe to a way of being then naturally that way may be deem as the best. And finally, it the family and ultimately it is that big I that I am.
The paradigm is a shift from the perspective of what/who am I to why am I? If the question is easily answered then life would have been perfect. Certainly over the centuries, thinkers have probed in to the question and some have come with suggestions on the way to be and in our contemporary time there is no shortage of answers from the crude to the absurd where someone is targeted whether it be a group, individual or a particular specie when they say it is all about survival of the fittest and so barbarous acts of terror first among non- human kinds is accepted norm in societies across the globe where slaughter houses are in place as if all is normal whilst some species are just raised to simply be abused by us. That such a cardinal error is an accepted agenda which we readily subscribe. Can there be peace if a certain group is despised? Who gives us right to make use and abuse of others?
Life is not seen as ambiguous but based on egocentrism: a belief where the individual blinded by superstitions and opinionated verbosities and being part of a contradictory/hypocritical world views simply is entangled into. That in itself is accepted not as a norm but as the norm as if it is the way to be. Extremists revel in this but the reactionaries who appear as saviours may not be any different in substance expect in the former one may abhor it as non palatable due to the massive impact but all the same in the latter which claim restore pride is no more than guardians of the status quo where societies have flourished at the expense of others. Unless that is seen from a visionary perspective all hope may just be a kind of a lip service to attempt at even trying to restore humanity when essentially its foundation was based on hatred or despise of some others.
Humanity is a crossroad. It is being challenged. There are threats being posed not only in the exterior but also internally. Is it possible to scrutinise our being fully? Or shall we simply help in maintaining a state of affairs which is dubious in any case. What is life about? How may I effectively bring change? Am I prepared to fully scrutinise everything? Or am I compelled nay force to so be subjugated by the time constraint which makes us abide in a certain way of being? Can I break free of this trauma which has left its mark on humanity? Or where I have awoken and thrown into and somehow accepted it as being the norm as I have learnt from my parents/teachers or ideas which floats about from that moment I became conscious as a being. Importantly, what does being human means? Despising of some to the detriment of others! Can I lead a life where no other is threatened? Do I really want peace? What is your message of freedom or peace to the world? Who knows?

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