Beware of the senses!

Gratification of the senses becomes the way of life or let us say a lifestyle as adopted by those who either live in the realm of false ego and superficial sometimes also characterised by arrogance, conceit and ignorance.

As such all actions are dovetailed within and towards the mundane. All life is a mere engagement to seek out pleasures unlimited from most if not all of the senses available.

They would try anything and or indeed everything to derive happiness echoing either a Bentham view or a Millian type at best…. a motto which in some ways makes the world goes round, some may add.

However, one may observe even at the outset that our friends do not know what is to be done or what is not to be done. The powers of discrimination may have left the seekers of such ventures. Diligence and prudence may have left their being as the engagement is merely about aspect of leading an existence based on knee-jerks forms or simply being a reactionary. In such a mode of existence there is no thoughtful or creative organised pattern. Everything is just done instinctively with the goal being not seeing above and beyond what is revealed through the direct senses.

The bodily senses have taken over and the mind is no longer a friend as one follows the diktat of the mind. In this mode intelligence is not used neither is the wisdom of reflection. It is simply a question of the gross senses at work where it is all about a blatant existence at the superficial mode of being.

Verily there is no reflection but a mere search of how to reap all potential benefits from the senses. It is plain enjoyment with little regards as to whether such actions have any bearing on one’s being or whether in some instances if one’s actions may cause distress to others.

Rather, it is a disjointed approach at simply being hedonistic which a sane mind may never condone. The other or others about us may not matter if at all as there is a firm resolution to move forwards and onward based on the gross aspect of being. It is all about me-ism, full stop. The fact of the matter is that what is in operation is a mind acting in ignorance to such an extent that it feels that it is the only way to be.

Instead one succumbs to lust, desires and makes one accepts norm of the impermanent with its insatiable desires and so the whole process calls for an adoption of a way of life which becomes in a way a measure of how to be.

A way where one becomes bound by a network of illimited desires. It is a venture which goes round and round…. in circles and appear to have no end as one simply is caught by one wanting more and more of the same. Just like opium which corners one into seeking more and more or wanting to be submerged one in sports or other passive entertainments. The idea is to have fun and in so doing proponents lead a debased form of existence without quite being aware of it.

Sometimes these takes us towards actions that may be avoided. At other times one find momentary solace in other activities which are venues filled with aspects to derive pleasures and or having a good time where apart from opportunities to meet like-minded people also may become places where one simple lives as per whims of the mind ….in the moment where any one may become a victim of circumstance.

Such a lifestyle simply leads one into more aspects of the superficial and the mundane ways of making pleasures the goal of life.

To be sure the recommendation is to seek out other equally vibrant and perhaps more fun ways of seeking a totally different way of being where one is not baffled by the realm of the known where one puts a halt and pause button to a commonly mundane style of existence.

It is not for this blogger to pronounce effective ways of being. That would be for each reader to   decide. As long as one takes warning of the mundane ways and put brakes on accepted impermanent modes through one’s reflection one may realise of the what to do as oppose to not what to do. And so being cautious one may perhaps start bringing some balance in one’s life without falling prey to a form or some particular crude way of being.

Life is ambiguous in that to claim exclusivity for one’s views may be equally alarming. As long as one begins to meditate on the way to be rather than taking for granted the ways of the world with its projects making desires and plain gratification a goal then the task of this writer has been successful. After all who am I to claim that I may solve the riddle of existence.

Philosophy also makes no such claims. And so with the latter we pronounce: Over to you comrade as it is your life on which you have first priority. As far as this author is concerned, his main duty was about sounding an alarm….a warning against naivety and towards a more positive approach not to easily give in to the mundane and or its horrors for cautiousness in a world where one maybe easily led astray in spite of our expertise in other aspects  life.

It may be wise to take note of what others say particularly in matters of being prudent and diligent.


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