In the mode of pretence………

The idea of controlling another, any other is terrifying in the sense that the subject believes one possesses all the powers as invested. Or rather thinks that one has. Life is a question of being or the idea of trying to be for oneself.

In the final analysis one is all alone and having to encounter with what is seen or perceived. To think that any other may be so influential in one’s life makes it rather intrusive as if the inverse were to be posited the subject would surely be in rebellious mode. If that is so, it is a fair assumption that one may be able to live one’s life without much hindrance or at least being able to be able to lead a singular existence free from hindrances. It is unpalatable when one is being cornered to be what is not or put a face in the mode of bad faith and adopt a certain lifestyle that one abhors.

The idea of living in simple mode may not be appealing to the rest or the crowd but one may not live for any other but for the self that one is without subjugation. With the latter comes suffocation and where suffocation emerges, one is simply a victim of the trend, or adopt a style foreign to the self that one is and is caught up in a veil of being where what emerges is a no more than a false ego. Where the latter is, one simply is a mesmerised being and or so subjected to engaging in doing what one may not otherwise do.

A kind of a bigotry, non-sophistication non real way of being where one puts forward an apparition worthy of just playing a role as per what is expected. There is no meeting of the self but a meeting of concealed type of being where one simply is existent in the way of playing a role.

It is a spurious way of being which is prized over and over the real self that one is. The self that one is left behind for the apparition. In the latter, one is simply not in tune with the what is or what one has to do. It is all about actions based on what not to do.

There is little or no direction about how or what one should be. One simply adopts and apply trends which suits one’s being and happily carries on. A way of being where there is no reflection or mindfulness but simply based on the idea of eat, drink and be merry… where there is no pause towards attempting to halt the direction of the false ego.

Where there is little or no understanding there may not be respect and where respect is lacking one falls into a pool of wilderness of the common trap which seeks to make one adheres to a particular lifestyle based on the senses which demands that a certain code is followed. Any deviation from that and one is viewed as an ignoramus. The forces of the way of the ego self is so fixed that it seeks solace in the non-real and pronounce a fixation: On the other hand, a certain way to be based on the perceptions which may be blurred and not quite reflecting the what is

It is particularly rewarding that one does not fall prey to such ways of being. There is no need to adopt a particular lifestyle and or pretend to be what one is not. To do so means that one has given up as if one’s lifestyles is relegated albeit for a few others’ s pleasure. Or it is a question of joining in with the crowd. The latter has the upper hand whilst one has to curb one’s being and lives in pretence. Such a way of being means one is not what one is but merely a shadow, a figment of imagination for the other. It is the other who has dictated based on a certain way of being which revels at the other’s denial to its own advantages that of happily a certain lifestyle which has nothing to do with what is but keeping to be image, an icon for the other.

The adaptation of such a modal way of being is fraught with suspicion as one is like a maggot, an automaton, losing sight of one’s subjectivity to being an object for the other and awaiting to be moulded in a particular shape where what matters may not be what one is but what should not be based on a preconception that one has to fit in to a certain lifestyle to be cognised. To be sure, there is no need to be in bad faith as Sartre may puts it. To do so is to be a being in itself as if one’s consciousness is not there or so one is mould upon by the non-me  whereas one needs to shrug off to arise and retrieve one’s for itself and so engages in a way attuned to the self where one is not denied or made to be or be subjected to being what one is not. The importance of awakening is precisely that one is always there primarily for the self that one is: to be in pretence is to have abandoned and fallen victim to the other where the latter has taken control. One needs to always recover and be what one is without any fear or apparent lack of trust in the self: After all, the self remains a silent observer who simply goes by how it is dictated by the mind. The latter though may well be tilted hither and tither and so loose sight of one’s nature of being!

In prudence, wisdom arises and so the realm of the what is acknowledged and one revels in the self. Where there is no such meeting point, one simply is forced into surrender. The question of course is very much about how to  not be  a prey but in a non-spurious way where one is free and verily protected in order to be there without hindrance!

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